The olive oil storage and packaging operation is subject to the drafting of the sanitary and hygienic self-control manual (HACCP) according to EC Reg. 852/2004.
The company must be able to guarantee the traceability of the product for sale:
a) commercial documents must indicate the origin of the olives
b) The documents used for handling the oils must include, among other things: - the category and quantity of the oil; - the indications relating to the origin and those relating to the extraction / cold pressing, if used;
c) the appropriate registers and registration with the Sian must be kept updated within the prescribed times;
d) the storage containers must clearly and legibly report the indication of origin, the category of the oil, an identification number, the batch, the indication of the total capacity, a measuring device for assessing the quantity of oil contained and indications relating to cold extraction / pressing relating to the contained product;
e) packaged lots, but not yet labeled, must be identified with a sign indicating the lot, the number of packages, their capacity, the oil category, the origin and any optional declarations.